Download these 21 Free Service Level Agreement Templates to study them before preparing your very own SLA for professional services to render or to hire.
Service level agreement is a particular type of agreement that is made between the service provider and the service user. It is just about different aspects of service, scope, duties/responsibilities, performance, duration, quality of work, etc. Usually, large-scale services-oriented organizations focus on accomplishing SLA contracts with their customers and clients. Basically, a network of service providers is responsible for making this agreement with clients to avoid conflicts and opposes in business affairs, transactions, and relationships. SLA contract can be said a set of measurable terms and conditions that service providers and clients have to follow to make business transactions fair and continued.
SLA contract has become common among internet service providers and they must give this contract to their clients and customers for having fully furnished services. Preparing and accomplishing an SLA contract is not hard, but you have to be responsible for including the rights of the service user and service provider in the SLA contract on an equal basis.
Free Service Level Agreement Templates
Here are several free service agreement templates in MS Word format to assist you in the process of drafting your own legal SLA in as less as possible time.

Service Level Agreement Guidelines
Given below are some useful guidelines that you can follow to make an effective and results-oriented SLA contract.
- SLA contract must be started by including all important information and particulars about both sided parties. For example, complete names, addresses, contact information, and phone numbers must be mentioned at the start of the SLA contract.
- Other things and particulars of the SLA contract are based on business affairs and transactions that should also be considered. For example, duration and timing for furnishing service transactions or availability are necessary to include in the SLA contract. This is for the convenience of the service provider and service user to stay aware of what would be the time limit in which services will be furnished.
- In case of more than one service user, you need to make a list of all users and clearly mention it in the SLA contract. What would be the priority to deal with each service user is also important to mention in the SLA contract as it can help service users wait for their service accumulation.
- Benchmarking is another important aspect of an SLA contract and it helps to evaluate the performance of individual service providers and network of service providers. Whether all requirements and services of the service users are furnished or not are considered with help of this section in the SLA contract.
- SLA contract must consist of a schedule of important notifications that the service provider is going to deliver throughout the project and its transactions.
- It must include in the SLA contract what types of services a service provider is going to deliver to the service user. This literally an important section to include in the SLA contract and is very convenient for both parties to know about their duties and rights.
- Like all other contracts, the SLA contract also serves as legal protection if any conflict and mishap happen to occur in the field of service-providing networks. Service users and service providers are equally independent in making claims against the SLA contract if there happens anything wrong against them.
You must furnish all these aspects of the SLA contract while making it professional like.